
Identitywise is a course with a manual and audio or video that can be ordered. This is an enormous important subject because all human problems originate from a lack of understanding of our identity. The whole human race has one big identity problem because we have lost relationship with our Father and therefore we are totally confused in who we are. See the attached file for more information what this course is all about.

Content of Identitywise

  • Session 1 = The power of identity
  • Session 2 = God is only good!
  • Session 3 = Spirit, soul and body
  • Session 4 = The story of the spirit
  • Session 5 = The new creation
  • Session 6 = How do the spirit function?
  • Session 7 = How is identity formed?
  • Session 8 = Mirror reflection
  • Session 9 = The cross and identity
  • Session 10 = Position and conduct
  • Session 11 = Glory & opinion
  • Session 12 = From faith to faith
  • Session 13 = How do we change?
  • Session 14 = The way to fulfilment.

Identitywise Manual

Below are links to an in-depth discussion presented by Arno Claassen.

Sessie 1

Sessie 2

Sessie 3

Sessie 4

Sessie 5

Sessie 6

Sessie 7

Sessie 8

Sessie 9

Sessie 10

Sessie 11

Sessie 12